The flagship tour of La Palma. On this overwhelming adventure hike in one of the most active volcanic zones on earth, you will gain deep insights into the island’s volcanic past.
Coming from El Paso, we drive up the narrow country road and pass the Tacande volcano. At the time of the conquest by the Spaniards in 1492, the volcano, which erupted around 1470, was still smoking and so it was given the name Montaña Quemada, which means “burnt mountain”. We then drive through the Llano de Jable, a huge lava ash field, and shortly afterwards reach our starting point of the hike. Here, at the Refugio El Pilar, a barbecue and recreation area at an altitude of 1450m, we hike on one of the most beautiful routes in La Palma, over the Cumbre Vieja volcanic chain.
Over 120 volcanoes line up in the youngest part of the island, like pearls on a string. Our path climbs steadily through the pine forest, leading us, with beautiful views of the Aridane Valley and the Cumbre Nueva, past the foot of the Birigoyo, which sent a huge lava and ash flow towards the sea more than 6000 years ago and has hardly any vegetation. Continuing uphill, we leave the pine forest and reach a beautiful viewpoint from which we can see the two large cities, Santa Cruz and Los Llanos. Now we climb slightly down to the Hoyo Negro, the 140m deep “black hole”. In 1949 it again spewed ash and lava. (For hikers who find the 17km too long, there is the alternative option of hiking leisurely back to the Refugio El Pilar from here.)
To our left we see the impressive Pico Nambroque and in front of us on the path the Duraznero volcano. This also erupted in 1949 and formed a lava lake from which a narrow stream flowed towards Mazo and to the sea. Along the ridge we come to the highest point of our hike to the Deseada volcano at 1945m. Here we enjoy the beautiful views over La Palma and, if the weather is good, the neighboring islands of El Hierro, La Gomera and Tenerife.
On the way down over the witches’ plain we see the almost vegetation-free, reddish shimmering Martin volcano, cross the 11,000-year-old lava fields and then hike again into the pine forest. Forest tracks and narrow paths lead us past the Fuente de los Roques, a refuge. Half an hour later we reach Fuencaliente, where we stop at the traditional Bar Parada and sweeten the time until the return journey with Palmerian coffee and delicious almond biscuits.
Distance 17km/ 6-7 hours/ +500, -1250m/ Price 79€ including transfer back to El Pilar, minimum 5 pers.
Start 9:00 Refugio El Pilar